Monday, June 15, 2009

How do you work out?

I've been thinking a lot about workouts lately. Probably because I have no more classes until mid-September and that gives me a lot more time to think about getting healthy. Maybe because I spoke to my mom the other day and learned that over 75% of her parents' generation have died of heart disease related conditions (eek) or cancer. Also, probably because it's hot now and I feel like the Pillsbury Doughboy in my tank tops (not to mention bathing suits). So today I thought we should discuss working out.

I'm not super structured when it comes to working out. I don't have a training plan, I just tend to work out when I feel like it and leave it there. Right now my work outs look a little like this:

Running: I've always been a runner. I was in track in highschool (800m, woot) and I never really lost running as a hobby, though I run more sometimes than others. Right now I run probably 4-5 days a week, depending on how stressed I am (I actually run more when I'm stressed). Usually my runs are pretty casual- I'll head out with my ipod and just let my feet lead me wherever until I get tired enough to turn around. Most of the time I don't even time myself. When I have glanced at the time, my runs are usually between 30 and 45 minutes in length, so not super long but not terribly short either. How hard I run usually varies too- I run faster when I'm stressed and slower when I just want to enjoy myself. In case you can't tell, I'm super casual about my running, and I get to wondering whether I should start planning out my runs better. But I've learned that when I plan them, they start to feel like a chore.

Yoga: This is something that I picked up last spring, when I took a yoga class at my university. For awhile there, I did yoga almost every day. It was amazing for muscle tone and posture, two things I struggle with (not to mention obvious psychological benefits). I've let my yoga slip away lately, to the point where I almost never do it anymore. But it's something I hope to bring back over the summer when my schedule is (hopefully) less hectic. Anybody know of any good yoga DVDs?

Rock Climbing: Okay, so this is something I just started doing once a week as of two weeks ago and already I LOVE it. I'm pretty lucky in that my university has a huge climbing center not too far away from me, and I'm thinking of buying a rec pass just so I can have access to it over the summer. Rock climbing is a great upper body workout for me, namely because I have almost no upper body strength. Not to mention, it's just plain fun. I'm encouraging all of you who have access to a climbing wall to give it a shot- I'm planning on going once a week over the summer if I can get ahold of a rec pass.

Those are pretty much my three primary workouts right now. I'm also thinking of picking up swimming over the summer, especially if I do get a rec pass, since my university has several swimming pools as well. What are your favorite workouts and how do you stay healthy? Got any fun suggestions for me?

PS: Thanks for all of your well wishes last Thursday as I went in for my job interview. I got the job! So now I'm a sales associate and fitting room attendant at a large department store in addition to my usual part time job, which means I can actually pay my rent over the summer. Woohoo!

Image by Per Breiehagen via


  1. i actually went for a short run yesterday-- the first in a long time. i only ran for about 20 minutes but hopefully i'll be able to keep this up (i'm not too sore, which is encouraging). my school offers yoga too, and i still need one more gym credit, hmm..

  2. Yay for making rent payments! It's great to no longer be struggling with mine either! As for the workouts, I'm starting to do weights - not because I want to bulk or anything (eww...) but just because light weights are good for women specifically since we are more prone to bone loss etc etc later on. I'll do about a twenty warmup on the eliptical or the rowing machine, and then weights (1 day for chest and upper back, 1 day for legs...etc) for about 45 minutes. All in all, it's a good workout I think. Otherwise, swimming is fantastic!

  3. I posted about working out today too! I'm in dire need of a new strength routine!! Unfortunately, my blog is having some technical difficulties right now!

    Anyways, as you know I RUN, but I'm a bit more structured with my runs cause that's how it works for me! If it's going to feel like a chore for you to be more structured then definitely don't do it!

    I've been doing yoga DVD's too and recently just joined a new gym that does Yoga twice a week so I'm going to try and go to that as much as I can! I also LOVE LOVE LOVE spinning classes! They are such a GREAT workout!!

    Congrats on getting the job, that's so fantastic!

  4. I (sometimes) lift weights, but only if I'm trying to shape up. I LOVE LOVE LLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEE biking, and bike once a week and then get icecream (yum!). I walk and run too.

    P.S. Glad you got the job!
